11th Hour Challenge: Essential Bites

Happy surprise Hubris! This episode was made for the 11th Hour Audio Challenge (not a Hubris event, though of the same spirit), but since the team is Hubris friends we wanted to share it on the feed here!

Welcome to The Essential Bites Family, where you can Sink Your Teeth Into A Better You! But not all is as it seems; follow Luka, a not-so-young vampire, and his discovery of both family and fiend.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Vampirism, Cult-Like Mentalities, Predatory Business Practices, death, and murder.

Episode Script can be found here.

Written by Mik Koats. Directed by Newton Shottelkotte. Dialogue editing by Newton Shottelkotte, Kathryn Stanley, and Tamar Cimenian. Sound design by Kathryn Stanley. Composition by Tamar Cimenian.

Luka was played by Emmett Moon. Cardi was played by Tamar Cimenian. Pixie was played by Tal Minear. Nevada Fae was played by Mik Koats. Kerri Beth was played by Kathryn Stanley. Cassandra was played by Nzingha Primus.